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  • Scentsy Smellephants on Parade debuts at Walt Disney World® Resort

    We’re excited to share that the installation of Smellephants on Parade has officially begun at Magic Kingdom Park! This one-of-a-kind fragrance experience is perfect for noses of all ages! As the Smellephants continue to arrive to Storybook Circus, guests will encounter additional circus-themed Smellephants, featuring fragrances provided by Scentsy! Each statue has it's own unique fragrances such as Corn Dog, Cotton Candy, Caramel Apple, Popcorn, Snow Cone, & Churro! Scentsy is on the classic Dumbo Marque! Smellephants on Parade , and our presenting sponsorship of the Dumbo the Flying Elephant attraction, will allow countless guests visiting Walt Disney World ® Resort each year to see the Scentsy brand name and be able to interact with Scentsy-created fragrances.

  • Scentsy Family Reunion July 2024-Orlando, Florida

    I have officially earned my 10th incentive trip with Scentsy in my last 10 years! Every year, we have the opportunity to earn a trip, then we can choose either a destination or our annual convention, Scentsy Family Reunion (SFR). This year, I chose to take SFR as my trip! This year Scentsy is celebrating 20 years worth of fragrance, so this SFR is going to be HUGE on top of it being an incentive for me. For all incentive trips Scentsy spoils us with all kinds of goodies throughout the length of the trip from exclusive gifts, to private events! (sneak peek: we get the Disney Park + Universal Park all to ourselves!) This trip is going to be epic, not only do I get to see my friends I have made around the globe, but I get to be apart of the trainings + I get to train others on one of biggest passions of the business: Customer Service! Oh one big thing I forgot- I get to see & SMELL all NEW fall catalog, Halloween, Holiday collections, & more! So if you like sneak peeks + an inside view of Scentsy incentive trips & SFR- check back here daily for updates! Night before: All packed & ready to go! Typically I travel with just a carry-on, from an experience of our incentive trip on a 7 day cruise- my luggage never made it to the ship for the 7 days we toured France, Spain, & Italy. However, with it being the BIGGEST Scentsy event of the year, SFR, 20 year celebration, the return of our CEOs from their 3 year mission trip, & my incentive trip- I needed to check a bag for all the extra goodies Scentsy spoils us with! So that side with all the allergy friendly food, will be empty for all the things. Also, I get the question a lot, how do you travel with your 6 food allergies?!? Easy- I pack a lot of my food in either my check or carry- ons. I think a lot of people are unaware that yes you can actually pack food with you, but I have for years and had no issue traveling within the USA. Side note- traveling & eating outside the US is a lot easier for me to eat with my allergies- funny huh? And of course I stuck a bunch of Scentsy in my carry-on to sprinkle along the way! Day 1: Wow what a busy day from travel to arriving on site to getting checked-in at the hotels. Since I took SFR as an incentive trip, incentive earners got special access to a VIP lounge with snacks & drinks. Plus, we got our very own customized old school Mickey Ears with our names stitched! We were surprised with our own private shopping experience with Maui Jim sun glasses. There were several pairs to choose from too! Leaders, Directors & above, had early access to check-in & a special dinner with Q&A with Heidi & Orville. They spoke on their mission trip that they lead for the last 3 years in London, and they spoke on the future of Scentsy. Spoiler Alert- Scentsy 3.0 is about to go down! As if Scentsy does not spoil us enough on incentive trips, each incentive we have room drops with special little surprises about our trip that the Scentsy fairies leave us! Day 2: Started early at 5am, where we had to be ready to board buses to go to Magic Kingdom for a private grab n' go breakfast, meet greet with Heidi & Orville, & our own viewing of the new attraction, Smellephants on Parade. Heidi & Orville have been away from Scentsy for 3 years on a mission trip in London, it was so nice to hug Heidi & for her say- Lacey Perkins- how are you?! how are those babies?! And, no, I didn't have my name tag on :-) That's how personal these two are with consultants! Then we had the choice to stay at the Disney Park for FREE as a part of our incentive gift! After we got back from our incentive treat to Magic Kingdom, we had a chance to tour the Scentsy Museum- 20 year of History- it was so cool to see how the wax used to be made by hand pouring blocks as one Scentsy Bar. During the tour, we received an original cube of Banana Nut Bread, the first scent that made the company what it is today! At Scentsy Family Reunion we have general sessions where we listen to Keynote speakers, such as Heidi Thompson & get to see new products & scents for our upcoming catalog season. And let me tell you, get excited for the new things coming... During the first General Session Scentsy announced our new partnership with NBC Universal & we were gifted Kevin the Minion. We were also gifted Scentsy back pack filled with the New Fall/Winter catalog for the 2024-2025 season + min sized testers to sniff & share! To kick off the New Scentsy partnership with Universal, Scentsy shut down Universal Parks for a private event for over 10,000 consultants with transportation to and from the park. Not only did they shut down the park, they provided all the food, snacks, and drinks for us too! Day 3: For incentive earners, we were up bright & early after a long & eventful day, as we were granted early access to see up close the new products & a private grab n go breakfast! Then, I was honored to be asked to present in our expo on the importance of implementing a follow up system and talk with consultants about the new Scentsy connect app that makes follow up a breeze! During our general session on day 3- we had lots of product reveals for the upcoming Fall Season + more giveaways in true Scentsy fashion. Take a peek at the line up coming & this is just a peek... there is a ton more coming! Day 4: We had some time down time to check out the new products coming, then it was time for awards night we celebrate personal & team achievements! I was honored to walk the stage 3 times, in front of 10,000 people, for my 10 year achievement, Star Director, & for earning Annual Sales Award for 9 years! While back stage there was another product reveal for a highly anticipated movie... coming August 19th. When we arrived back to our hotel room, I had a room drop & it was a big one! Scentsy gifted incentive earners with the new Scentsy Air system, our new fan system that fragrances a space up to 1,000 sq ft using 4 Scentsy pods! The Scentsy Air will be available for the fall catalog starting Sept 1st. Day 5: Our last day here, we were shown a New Disney Treat Wax Bundle coming soon that features 5 scents from the Disney parks- it's going to be bakery scent delight! Scentsy gifted us the New Constellation Warmer from the Fall catalog + new Cherry Chestnut wax scent. Along, with a 3 pack of wax in the SFR scent Scentsy Sunshine to help us remember our trip! Scentsy revealed our 2025 incentive destination for a 7 day cruise to Greece & Turkey & the top 50 incentive earners have the opportunity to take Peru as their trip. The next SFR will be in Minneapolis, Minnesota. So, will you be watching me again? Or, will you be there with me? YOU. CAN. DO. THIS. I would love to connect with you to see how Scentsy can fit into your life!

  • Join Scentsy in July 2024 for $20

    Join Scentsy in July for $20 Join Scentsy for $20: To celebrate Scentsy’s 20-year anniversary, we made July the best month EVER to start & join Scentsy! New Consultants can join in on the fun for just $20 (less than our mini warmers) in July — now that’s a price worth celebrating! Scentsy Starter Kit includes: Five of our most beloved Scentsy Bars: Black Raspberry Vanilla Sunkissed Citrus Coconut Lemongrass Lilacs & Violets Clean Breeze 25 Fragrance Testers Includes Bestsellers and new Spring/Summer 2024 fragrances Midnight Floral Mini Warmer Spring/Summer 2024 Catalog 5-Pack The Art of Fragrance Kit To be eligible for this promotion, new Consultants must enroll between 12:01 a.m. PT Monday, July 1, and 11:59 p.m. PT Wednesday, July 31. 5 Quick Facts about Joining Scentsy: No Stock/inventory is required No monthly fees No monthly minimums Free website up to 3 months Optional Team Building opportunities Benefits to Joining Scentsy: Joining Scentsy & the Earning Potential: When you first join Scentsy, you will make 20% in Scentsy Commission, have the opportunity for bonuses and perks. Once you reach over 1,000 in sales you will earn your first promotion to make 25% in commissions from there on out. Scentsy Compensation plan & Income Disclosure Statement

  • Scentsy Flash Sale- Save Up to 80% Off- July 10th, 2024

    We’re dusting all the corners and clearing out the attic with a Scentsy warehouse sale! Help us make room for upcoming releases and save up to 80% on some of your favorite products. Scentsy Flash Sale Details: When- 12 pm PT- Wednesday, July 10-12 PT Thursday, July 11 (while supplies last). Please be aware that once inventory for this promotion runs out, we’ll turn off the sale. The sale may end short of the full 24 hours- Do NOT wait! Sale items with pricing will be available at 3pm est via the link above. Log-in by 2:55pm to get your spot in the queue line. Scentsy Flash Sale Shipping Expectations: We expect a huge response to this sale and anticipate longer-than-usual times to process and ship orders (up to 21 business days). Scentsy will try to prioritize non-sale orders, but some warehouse sale orders may ship before others due to system functionality. Scentsy Flash Sale Post-Sale Pricing: Once the sale ends, you’ll be able to purchase items that are still in-stock, but at the original retail price. No exceptions will be made. All items included in the sale have existing inventory. Everything in this sale (excluding licensed products) is eligible for Host Rewards, but if you purchase a sale item with Host Rewards, it will be at full price. Sale products are not eligible for Bundle & Save. Scentsy Flash Sale Text Reminder: Want to get a Scentsy Flash Sale text reminder? Click this link & I will send you a direct the sale!

  • Scentsy Blossom Warmer- 2024 Spring Charitable Cause Warmer

    Scentsy's Spring & Summer Catalog has a New Charitable Cause Warmer: For the Spring & Summer catalog the New Scentsy Charitable Cause Warmer is called the Blossom Warmer. It is available the length of the Scentsy Spring & Summer Catalog: March 1 to Aug. 31, 2024. The Scentsy Blossom Warmer: The Blossom  Warmer features a sanded finish over a delicate cherry blossom design, diffusing light into a soothing glow. The Cherry blossom is a sign of rebirth, renewal, and new beginnings. Perfect for those who have gotten away or those who need something to visualize the strength to leave. During the Spring/Summer 2024 Catalog season, our charitable cause program will support nonprofits that provide emergency shelters, counseling and other services to survivors of domestic violence.  The Scentsy Blossom Warmer is $50, and for each warmer purchased between March 1 and Aug. 31, 2024, we’ll donate $9.50 to the Scentsy Family Foundation. The Scentsy Family Foundation: The Scentsy Family Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that supports charitable causes in the U.S. and Canada focusing on children, families and communities. Through the Foundation, Scentsy can expand our impact and extend our giving to help those who need it most. Charities we’ve supported through our charitable cause program include: Girls on the Run Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation On Our Sleeves Feeding America St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Mental Health America National Breast Cancer Foundation® Make-A-Wish Foundation® Habitat for Humanity® And more! How you can help? Nominate nonprofits supporting survivors of domestic violence at , or share your ideas with your Consultant! TOP 5 FACTS ABOUT SCENTSY WARMERS: 100+ designs — including mini wall plug-ins — for any style & décor-with or without illumination! Made with high-quality materials like ceramic, glass and metal. Handcrafted by artisans around the world. Change up the look with a colored light bulb or add a warmer stand to help hide the cord. Lifetime Warranty-for any reason your Warmer stops working- contact me ASAP.

  • Reinstate Your Scentsy Account- Returning Consultants Can Sign Back Up!

    Scentsy Reinstate Kit 2024: Reinstating your Scentsy account is a quick and easy process — and it’s free! Follow the steps below to complete your reinstatement and relaunch your Scentsy business. Welcome back! Once you reinstate your Scentsy account you will have access to this $59 kit that will help you update your scents & business supplies. How to reinstate your Scentsy account: Go to and log in using your Consultant ID and password. Then, follow the steps below. If you don’t remember your login information, contact Consultant Support at 1-877-855-0617. Click on the Yes, reinstate my account! button. 2. Click on the Yes, I agree button after reviewing Term 1 (reinstate with your original account number): 3. Click on the Yes, I agree button after reviewing Term 2 (keep your existing Sponsor or choose someone new). You can choose to reinstate with your previous Sponsor, or you may choose someone new. 4. To choose a new Sponsor, you can search by Sponsor name or location. Then, click on the Sponsor button to finalize your choice. I would love to partner with you, no matter your past experiences! If you would like to partner with me too, click this link to see if we would be a good fit! 5. After you’ve selected your Sponsor, click the Yes, I agree button to verify your selection. 6. Next, click on the Yes, I agree button after reviewing the following terms: Term 3 (your title, based on your Lifetime Personal Retail Volume at the time of cancellation) Term 4 (understand options on the Orders tab in Workstation) Term 5 (understand your PRV requirements) Term 6 (reinstate your account) 7. Click Yes, I’m back, baby! to go to your active Workstation. Explore, get reacquainted and plan your next steps. We’re so glad you’re back!

  • Cheers to 20 years Scentsy- Happy Birthday!

    Scentsy is celebrating 20 years of filling lives with fragrance with a FREE Scent Circle! Happy Birthday Scentsy- 20 years! Happy birthday to us! On July 1, 2004, Co-founders Heidi and Orville Thompson took a safe and simple concept and swung for the fences, launching Scentsy as a direct-selling fragrance company in the U.S. Since then — and with all of you — we have created an award-winning, social-selling business opportunity for hundreds of thousands of Independent Scentsy Consultants worldwide. To celebrate, check out my website for a highlight some of our most popular products. The Scentsy Story: Check out Scentsy started from their humble beginnings 20 years ago! I joined Scentsy in 2014 to earn some extra money on the side to help fill those financial gaps while working full-time. Not only did I fall in the love with the products, but I found myself enjoying the time that Scentsy created for "me-time." Check my Story of how Scentsy fit into my life for the last 10 years. To celebrate every order placed July 1st includes a free Scent Circle (in our choice of fragrance) while inventory for this promotion lasts. We’re so excited to take on our 20s, and we can’t wait to see you at Scentsy Family Reunion from July 16-19 in Orlando, Florida, and welcome Heidi and Orville back home! TOP 5 FACTS ABOUT SCENTSY WARMERS: 100+ designs — including mini wall plug-ins — for any style & décor-with or without illumination! Made with high-quality materials like ceramic, glass and metal. Handcrafted by artisans around the world. Change up the look with a colored light bulb or add a warmer stand to help hide the cord. Lifetime Warranty-for any reason your Warmer stops working- contact me ASAP. TOP 5 FACTS ABOUT SCENTSY WAX BARS: Over 80+ available fragrances, so there’s something for everyone. Fragrances are arranged into families to make it easy to find your favorites: Bakery, Fruity, Floral, Fresh, Citrus, Spice, or Woods- Take my FREE quiz to find your fragrance family Made of high-quality non-toxic paraffin wax for long-lasting fragrance. As the cubes melt, they fill your space with unique scents, inspiring imagination, invoking memories, & enhancing your mood. Safe to use — no wick, flame, smoke or soot.

  • Scentsy June 2024 Whiff Box is a Whole Summer Vibe

    June 2024 Scentsy Whiff Box Reveal! For the Month of June get the Scentsy Whiff box includes: Flamingo Mini Fan diffuser: usb portable fragrance fan- WHIFF BOX EXCLUSIVE   By the Sea Pod: The scent of ocean air wafting through dewy, seaside grass   Keylime & Grapefruit Pod: Crystallized sugar sweetens a zesty fusion of Key lime and pink grapefruit Open Air Exploring Scent Pak: Jasmine blossoms float above aquatic greens with a splash of refreshing salt water- WHIFF BOX EXCLUSIVE Provence Lavender: Retreat to the French countryside and linger awhile in rolling fields of lavender- WHIFF BOX EXCLUSIVE Suncastles Room Spray: Sunny coconut brightens up tropical pistachio and sweet almond, evoking memories of the beach. Grab this entire box for only $35 with products valuing at $50+ What is a Scentsy Whiff Box? Top 3 Facts: A monthly hand-picked assortment of Scentsy fragrances and products jammed packed full of Selections represent a variety of new, on-trend and seasonal items. Exclusive Scentsy products & Scents that can only be found in the Whiff Box Scentsy Whiff Box contents change each month to incorporate the latest trends and seasonal fragrances-it's always a fun surprise! Can I get a discount on the Scentsy Whiff Box? Yes! You can save an automatic 10% off + Discounted shipping when you add it to our FREE VIP Rewards program . Making your Whiff Box only $31.50! But wait there is more savings... if you already have a Club Rewards account of $60+ you earn a Half- Off item, insert your Whiff Box & now it's only $17.50! Don’t miss out on this month’s box—

  • Scentsy's June 2024 Warmer & Scent of the Month: Let Freedom Ring & Jammin’ Jubilee

    Scentsy's June 2024 Warmer of the Month: Let Freedom Ring: Put your red, white and blue on display! With a distressed wood look, this warmer celebrates the stars and stripes. Price During June 2024: $50.00 (Original Price:  $45.00) TOP 5 FACTS ABOUT SCENTSY WARMERS: 100+ designs — including mini wall plug-ins — for any style & décor-with or without illumination! Made with high-quality materials like ceramic, glass and metal. Handcrafted by artisans around the world. Change up the look with a colored light bulb or add a warmer stand to help hide the cord. Lifetime Warranty-for any reason your Warmer stops working- contact me ASAP. Scentsy's June 2024 Scent of the Month: Jammin' Jubliee Red berry compote and blackberry zest are ready to party with the irresistible addition of sugared syrup. Fragrance Family: Fruity Jam out in this scent for 10% off in the Month of June in the following products: PRICING IN THE MONTH OF JUNE 2024: Room Spray: $8.10 ($9) Scent circle: $2.70 ($3) Wax Bar: $5.40 ($6) Pods: $9 ($10) TOP 5 FACTS ABOUT SCENTSY WAX BARS: Over 80+ available fragrances, so there’s something for everyone. Fragrances are arranged into families to make it easy to find your favorites: Bakery, Fruity, Floral, Fresh, Citrus, Spice, or Woods- Take my FREE quiz to find your fragrance family Made of high-quality non-toxic paraffin wax for long-lasting fragrance. As the cubes melt, they fill your space with unique scents, inspiring imagination, invoking memories, & enhancing your mood. Safe to use — no wick, flame, smoke or soot.

  • Join & Partner with Scentsy in June for an Enhanced Starter Kit!

    New Consultants who join in June will get an Enhanced Starter Kit featuring a Bespeckled Tabletop Fan Diffuser and a Key Lime & Grapefruit Scentsy Pod Twin Pack free with standard Starter Kit contents. These bonus products are a great way for new Consultants to promote the wide variety of fragrance systems Scentsy has to offer. New Consultants can demonstrate the benefits of both pods and wax to offer suggestions to customers based on their fragrance goals and circumstances. Need some help finding prospects, sharing the Scentsy business and following up? Use these tips below + when you partner with me you have access to my simple systems, and me in your back pocket to show you how to be successful in a way that feels right for you! Prospect Create a list of repeat customers, past Hosts, friends and family members who would make great Scentsy Consultants, and jot down why. Share Reach out to everyone on your list individually to start a conversation. Let them know why you think they’d be a great Consultant, and why you think they’d love it. Follow Up Regardless of their answer, set an expectation with yourself to follow up. If the answer is “no, not now,” be sure to check in with them later when the timing might be better. If the answer is “yes,” make sure they have what they need to start their business. Then, follow up with them once they’ve enrolled. To be eligible for this promotion, new Consultants must enroll between 12:01 a.m. PT Saturday, June 1, and 11:59 p.m. PT Sunday, June 30. Reinstatement Kits and Host-Exclusive Starter Kits are not included in this promotion.

  • Affiliate Promo for June 2023

    EXCLUSIVE WARMERS FOR SCENTSY AFFILIATES ONLY! Qualifying affiliates can unlock the Bright Like a Diamond Warmer ($50) or Pink Topaz Warmer ($50) when your link reaches at least $350! You'll be able to use your two half-price credits to unlock & purchase one of the warmers for half price ($25). Links must be opened after 12:01 a.m. PT June 1 for this promotion to take effect, but don't wait... these are while supplies last!

  • Scentsy's New Buddy: Otis the Orangutan

    Coming Monday, June 5th...He’s always searching for his next adventure! Otis the Orangutan is joining the Scentsy Buddy crew, and this rambunctious Buddy is sure to give your heart a long-armed hug. Otis is $35 (35 PRV) and comes with the Scent Pak of your choice.

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I would love to connect with you from finding the perfect fragrances safe for your families to spoiling the wax out of you in FREE Scentsy or helping you find some supplemental income to fill those financial gaps!


Copyright 2024 Lacey Perkins

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